Spring Clean Your Business
Are you the kind of person who relishes a good old clear out? Or do you procrastinate until you’re buried in grime? Whichever you are, the MOBIX team have your back.
Mel and David were speaking with a client recently who didn’t have his business process written down. What, we hear you scream, that’s a terrible crime. It isn’t of course, who has the time when the business actually needs running!
You got it, we do! A thirty minute call later, David had put the bones of one together, this is just an extract. The client was clearly thrilled and immediately set to work fleshing out those bones.

And here’s a sneaky peek at something else David and Mano have been working on for them.
If this nifty tool, or a diagram of your business process, would make your calendar management and life in general that bit easier, drop us a message!