Struggling with Management of Remote Teams?
A bit too Big Brother? Or a necessary evil?
Here’s where it may get a bit creepy, but if you do have a team member who isn’t always where they should be, ie at their desk, it’s an easy way to say ‘I’m watching you’ without the need for time consuming disciplinary procedures. If they ignore the hint, you probably have bigger problems to be honest!
Does anyone else do a double take when they see the abbreviation WFH?. I always see WTF, oops! Anyway, with Cliq you can easily see who’s Available, Away or Busy by default. Have some fun adapting them though, by all means!
Much less ‘I’m watching you’ and more ‘I trust you as an adult to act professionally’ the more granular status options allow you to see exactly what is keeping your team busy.
MOBIX can also provide a full flash audit (worth up to €490), free of charge. With it see how your current systems can be adapted to changes in the way your team work.