Create the perfect application for your business with ZOHO Creator

So, you’ve created your business and developed your brand to fit your niche, but how do you handle your data? Particularly when the out of the box CRM solutions just don’t fit, no matter how you try to bend and customise them.

Take a step forward Zoho Creator
Here at MOBIX we understand that not every business fits into a nice neat CRM shaped package and we’ll never try to stuff you into one! Our Zoho Creator certified experts will accompany you through the process of designing and building a data management tool built purposely to suit you and your business.
We’re always learning
Despite already having team members who are Creator certified, we have several others undertaking the certification exam in the coming weeks. Upskilling is an ongoing process here at MOBIX, but the three day partner training session on this very subject that is happening right now is making the whole thing that bit easier.
One of the silver linings of this awful pandemic mess is that Zoho have taken their regular #ZohoInspire partner event online. This means that more of the MOBIX team are able to attend than ever before. We’re particularly excited because with team members worldwide we can use these new and updated skills to reach more users in more languages (French, English, Spanish) and even better we’re all used to working remotely with our clients already!
Mel has even won $100 dollars worth of partner credits by simply tweeting about her (and Dede the dog’s) experiences during the partner sessions for Zoho Campaigns and Projects.
Dede and I taking a well earned break from #ZohoCampaigns training today. She's particularly looking forward to learning more about workflows! Loves a bit of automation my dog!! #zohoinspire #learningfromhome
— Mel Constantinou (@constelanie) April 8, 2020
. @Bose headphones, enabling simultaneous belly rubs and @zohoprojects @zoho partner training since 2020! Dede is particularly interested in the #TimeTracking elements. Not enough time being spent on belly rubs! #ZohoInspire #ProjectManagement #TrainingFromHome @MOBIXGROUP
— Mel Constantinou (@constelanie) April 17, 2020
Don’t know your Deluge from your JS? Don’t worry.
Much of Creator’s low code drag and drop interface means that coding knowledge just isn’t needed. And if you want to do something a little more complicated we’ve got you covered. You can even use Creator as a bridge between other apps, or to build a mobile app for your customers. The possibilities are endless, you just need to be a bit creative.
Get in touch now to find out more about Zoho Creator and what the MOBIX team could do with it to help your business.